The UnAdoptables.

A heartfelt series of short films focusing on the ‘underdogs’ that aren’t the ‘normal’ kind of pet you may think of adding to your family. ⁣We endeavour to inspire you to think differently about your choices and encourage you to consider the animals that most people overlook.

Become an Associate Producer!

Donate $50 to your chosen ‘UnAdoptables’ episode and your name will be added to the credits!

Cool huh!? Why not consider it as a gift to someone you know will love these films as much as you do! Together we can show just how AMAZING ‘The UnAdoptables’ really are!
Note: Donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.

Our new web series, ‘The UnAdoptables’ is changing peoples mindset around adoption and what a rescued pet is! 

In collaboration with Sustainable Vagabonds we can guarantee you will love our first episode. To help us produce more we are offering to add your name to the episode of your choice as an Associate Producer. 


Geo Moriarty and Lewis, the three legged Bali Dog

Now Playing

Launched on 11th May, 2019, to celebrate ‘Be Kind to Animals Week. Watch Episode 1 and be inspired to donate to Episode 2 or 3 to have your name in the credits!

THE UN-ADOPTABLES by Mission Pawsible - Rescue, Rehome, Adopt Bali Street Dogs

Lewis was rescued from the gutter where he lay, in torrential rain as his owners shoo’d him away. They didn’t offer him love or protection from the weather. They wanted him gone and that’s when Talia, a tourist, made the decision to take him.

Lewis was an adult dog, thin, loosing hair and had a broken leg that had frozen into place for at least two years. He never saw a vet or had anything to help with the pain yet he still loved people. He was a lost soul until that fateful day.

The next few weeks were nail biting times as Talia’s holiday came to an end and Lewis was still in the clinic. Euthanasia was suggested but we stepped in.⁣

Lewis deserved more in life. And he sure as hell got it! ⁣


Resia Pipet and Marley, AKA Comet the two legged Bali Dog

Launching June-July 2019

Select Episode 2 and donate $50 or more to have your name in the credits as an Associate Producer!

THE UN-ADOPTABLES by Mission Pawsible - Rescue, Rehome, Adopt Bali Street Dogs

Comet survived on the street with a broken spine and 2 broken legs for over two months!

On 23rd of December 2018 we received a shocking image – a dog with a broken spine and her two back legs twisted underneath her. An epic rescue mission ensued with road closures, holiday traffic and little resources. On Christmas Eve Comet arrived at the vet.

We didn’t think she’d have much hope. We assumed we’d meet a half broken dog with a fully broken soul. We were SO wrong!

What unfolded is nothing short of a miracle. Comet underwent surgery to remove her back legs, she had a custom built wheelchair and drag bag made. By January 2019 Comet was living in her new home, with people that adore her and canine comrade, Quincy, to be her best friend.

Resia, Marley AKA Comets paw’rent gave us hope that there really is a home for every hound if you believe it will happen and look hard enough.



Prue Barber, Mission Paws’ible Founder and Stevie Wonder the blind Kintamani

Launching July-August 2019

Select Episode 3 and donate $50 or more to have your name in the credits as an Associate Producer!

THE UN-ADOPTABLES by Mission Pawsible - Rescue, Rehome, Adopt Bali Street Dogs

Love is blind!

Nothing is more sure than when it comes to the story of Prue Barber, Mission Paws’ible Founder, meeting her soul dog Stevie Wonder.

In 2014 Stevie was found laying in the gutter of a busy road facing speeding scooters narrowly missing his nose. A perplexing sight until we saw the condition of his eyes. One was totally gone, the other was hugely infected. On that day Stevie was rescued and his recovery journey begun.

Over the following 12 months the bond Prue and Stevie forged could never be broken. Their love story was bumpy but in December 2015 Stevie was finally adopted.

Stevie is a ‘wonder’ indeed. Despite his lack of sight he knows every nook-and-cranny of the house (especially the kitchen). He knows when his sunset walk is cut short and refuses to move. He can see more clearly than his canine comrades – he can smell a person, or even a snake, before any seeing being does.

Today Stevie enjoys the freedom of his home, his delicious meals, his daily walks and his multitude of tummy rubs.