The photo that rocked the internet. A small, scared, hairless, bloodied pup was found on a beach in south Bali desperate for help.

We reached out to our Su’Pawt Squad (AKA people that are not employed by any animal group but want the best for an animal and will do anything to help).
Via What’s App a driver had been located in the area and he too wanted to see this dog safe, so much so he drove 1.5hours to the location to find her and put her in his families home over night in preparation for the long drive the following day.
On Christmas Eve, battling heavy traffic, rains and flooded roads Comet arrived at Sunset Vet Bali to undergo X-rays.
We didn’t think she would have much hope. We assumed we’d meet a half broken dog with a fully broken soul.
We were SO wrong!
Comet is the epitome of love and forgiveness. She has not only suffered a broken spine and two broken back legs, she has SELF HEALED whilst living on the street and today still welcomes love and kindness from humans.
We had two options. Euthanasia or surgery to remove her legs, get her a wheelchair and work on rehabilitation.
This little girl is already a miracle so we have decided to push on with surgery and pray for a successful healing, find her an amazing foster home and adopter.
Yep we wanted the box trifecta. And the box trifecta manifested and delivered!
Did you know thousands of shooting stars come from one Comet? And if you make a wish on a star it may come true.
I guess Comets fate was sealed, with a thousand wishes, the day she was named.
Comets story is a miracle tale of survival, courage and community effort.
Fast forward 3 weeks, and an outpouring of support, Comet had her operation to remove her hind legs to allow her more freedom. She also had a custom wheelchair and drag bag made.
Comet went into foster care …. but the biggest MIRACLE was just around the corner!
Comet was ADOPTED!
Yep! Miracles do happen and this little lady was chosen by Max, a 10 year old boy, who chose Comet over ALL the other dogs available. Resia, his mother, had promised Max a dog but said it must be a rescue and she was happy to adopt the most ‘unadoptable’ dog. Comet was their first choice!
We never knew how this story was going to unfold. The anxiety attached to all the ‘what if’s’ surrounding her rescue were real but we approached each day as it came, stars aligned and someone was looking over our Comet and you all made a billion wishes and it came true!
Thank you to Comets sponsors, the staff at Sunset Vet, our Su’Pawt Squad, Jullie and Libby for helping her foster time and of course Resia, Max and family for taking in his miracle girl! May she and Quincy be the best of friends fur’ever!